Text Artistict and Text Paragraph

Posted On 8:35 AM by Komputer Grafis |

CorelDraw graphics processor is based vectors, so that the image quality produced remains unchanged if the change in size. Providing coreldraw text in two ways, named Artistict Text and Paragraph Text.

Artistict text used to write lines of text that can be in short give effect, as the effect of shadow paragraph. Therefor the text used to write the syntax with a lot of text.

How to make text artistict:

1. Click the Text Tool
2. Place the mouse on the worksheet, then click the mouse
3. Type the text you want
4. Press the enter key each time you move the line
5. When finished, click the pick tool on the toolbar, the text object will result in eight surrounded handle

How to create a text paragraph:

1. Click the Text Tool
2. Place the mouse on the worksheet.
3. Drag the mouse diagonally to create a frame or text frame, then click the mouse off.
4. Start writing a paragraph.

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1 Response to 'Text Artistict and Text Paragraph'
  1. Unknown
    January 10, 2010 at 10:35 PM

    salam shaabat
    wah bagus artikelnya.thnxs n good luck ya