Forcing Axes Inferences

Posted On 1:23 AM by Komputer Grafis |

When working with tools such as the Line or Move tool, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to force SketchUp's red, green and blue axis inferences. The arrow keys are "toggles" so they will lock a tool into a particular direction until you finish the operation.

cing Oleh punya

If you want to stop forcing an axis direction simply press the arrow key again. If you pick the wrong direction just press another arrow key

3 Button Mouse Navigation

A 3-button mouse provides quick access to SketchUp's most frequently used viewing tools: Zoom, Orbit and Pan. Learning to use a 3-button mouse is the best and easiest way to speed up your modeling.

cing Oleh punya

Zoom - Scroll the wheel to Zoom in or out. Use your cursor to choose the part of your model you zoom to.

Orbit> - Press the scroll wheel like a button and hold as you move your mouse to Orbit your model.

- While Orbiting, hold shift on your keyboard to Pan

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12 Response to 'Forcing Axes Inferences'
  1. satrio medongkoro'> May 10, 2009 at 9:16 AM

    kpn nyenggol gw nya nii???
    udah mana yg satu lagi kga perubahan lagihhh :((


  2. chikal'> May 12, 2009 at 6:41 AM

    kmn aja cing???
    @ satrio medongkoro yang satu yang mana tuuh???


  3. Anonymous'> May 13, 2009 at 12:14 AM

    satrio: segera boz.....saya juga baru main internetan lagi nih boz....yang mana nih mau di senggol duluan....

    chikal: lagi nanggung nih boz...tenang nanti di senggol juga bareng2 ma bang satrio ko.....


  4. manggala wanabakti'> May 13, 2009 at 8:13 AM

    kang... wakakakakakakakaka... stnk na pan situ jagonyaa... wedeww...

    bo msh lama kaga...?!?!??! gw nitip atu dund, The Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby... jangan bilang sapa2 lo gw di maree... itu donlotin yupp?!?!?!? di maree kaga ngangkat.. huakakakakakakakak....


  5. city of angel'> May 13, 2009 at 8:15 AM

    gw injek dikittt ahhh...
    jaahhhhh... berrarti percuma dund?!?!? lo maen di situuuuu...
    wkwkwkwkwkwkwkw... kga bole weeee.. awas lo ya...


  6. maskara'> May 14, 2009 at 10:00 AM

    injekan berikutnya di hari ini cing :)


  7. PS Holic'> May 16, 2009 at 1:07 AM

    lahhh... itukan ada nama nya cing... boyong ajeee :p

    cie cie cieee... oL di ******* yeee?!?!?


  8. chikal'> May 16, 2009 at 1:57 AM

    cing ada award tuh ambil ya....
    btw ol dmn cing?????


  9. ipoel'> May 30, 2009 at 11:09 AM

    aye habeg lg tuh :(


  10. cing_oleh'> June 1, 2009 at 9:39 PM

    ipoel>>> iya terima kasih udah di tau nih...
    main di mana loe....????
    ko kiriman ke email gw cuma foto2 aja nya dong....:)


  11. ipoel'> June 4, 2009 at 1:40 PM

    foto2 yg mna kang? o iy mo ngasih info nii... pake tangan 3 kali gw habeg yg kere, pake kaki 7 kalee gw bejeg yg atas :)


  12. cing_oleh'> June 4, 2009 at 11:59 PM

    ipoel>>>>foto2 cwek.....iya terima kasih sudah di hebeg....sering2 aja y biar cepet...:)
    ente gmana aja bung g pernah nongol di xxxxx XXXX